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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

NAF hits suspected oil thieves, IPOB, terrorists’ camps in air raids

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has decimated suspected oil thieves and other criminal elements in air raids across the country in the last few days.

The NAF Director of Public Relations and Information, Commodore Edward Gabkwet, who disclosed this in a statement issued on Sunday in Abuja, said the air component of Operation Delta Safe conducted interdiction missions at an illegal refining site located in South-West of Bille, a coastal town in Degema Local Government Area of Rivers on August 11.

He added that the troops also raided the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) camp at Orsumoghu, Ihiala local government area of Anambra State the same day.

Gabkwet said: “Intelligence had revealed that the proscribed IPOB elements in makeshift camps were sighted preparatory to an impending attack on innocent citizens when the need to effectively engage them arose. The airstrike was subsequently carried out and deemed successful.

READ ALSO: Security agents arrest five suspected IPOB members in Anambra and Imo raids

“Air strikes were also conducted the same day by the Air Component of Operation Hadin Kai at a location 1.5km East of Arra, a once-deserted terrorists’ hideout near Sambisa Forest.

“Earlier reconnaissance on the location had revealed terrorists were regrouping there after the enclave was cleared about six months ago.

“There were strong indications that these terrorists had fled from locations around Lake Chad after the areas came under intense bombardment by NAF aircraft.

“The location east of Arra was consequently attacked to decimate the terrorists and deny them settling at the location and using the same as a staging point.

“Footage of the aftermath of the strike later revealed it was successful as several terrorists were neutralized and structures destroyed, while the few surviving terrorists were seen scampering away in disarray.”

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