JAMZ.NG generates above 1 Million pageviews daily from over 421,000 unique visitors majorly from Nigeria. On our website, we prioritize quality news, entertainment, music, comedy, gossip, sports and lots more. We currently have over 10,000 email subscribed users and over 5,000 push notification subscribers.
Supported Banners
We support the following banners. Animations are allowed but no flash.
728 x 90 (with 320×100 for mobile)
Visible on all pages of the website just below the header before the content.300 x 250 / 335 x 280 (rectangles)
Visible on all pages of the website on the sidebar for desktop/tablet visitors and below the content of the page for mobile visitors.320×100
Visible on all pages, on the sidebar for desktop/tablet visitors and below the content of the page for mobile visitors. Appears before the rectangles.
Other Advertisements Opportunities
Sponsored Articles
We also support publishing articles to reach our esteemed readers. These articles are shared to all our followers across our social media accounts and to our newsletter as well as notifications subscribers.
Review our rates:
RATE DISCLAIMER:Â This rate card is what we charge on average. The final rate will be determined after we’ve reviewed your ad.
Ad Type | Duration | Price |
Small banner - Homepage 300 x 100 100 x 50 | 1 week | 500,000 NGN |
Small banner - Homepage 300 x 100 100 x 50 | 2 weeks | 1, 000,000 NGN |
Big Banner - Homepage 300 x 250 720 x 90 500 x 450 | 1 week | 1, 000,000 NGN |
Big Banner - Homepage 300 x 250 720 x 90 500 x 450 | 2 weeks | 1, 500,000 NGN |
Video Ads | 1 week | 1, 000,000 NGN |
Text Ads | 1 week | 400,000 NGN |
Sponsored Post | Lifetime | 1, 500,000 NGN |
Sponsored Post | 3 months | 600,000 NGN |
Brand recommendation | Indefinite | 2, 000,000 NGN |