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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Enugu doctors issue two-week ultimatum over recruitment, insecurity

The Enugu State government has been urged to increase doctor employment and enhance security within a 14-day timeframe by the ESUTH branch of the Association of Resident Doctors (ARD).

The ultimatum was given by the resident doctors in a communiqué on Saturday, according to NAN.

Ikemefuna Nnamani, the association’s secretary-general, and Chukwunonso Ofonere, the president of ARD-ESUTH, co-signed the statement.

The communique called on the management of ESUTH and the Enugu government “to declare a state of emergency on the employment of doctors in the hospital”.

The association said it has been 120 days since the state government promised the employment of medical officers and resident doctors, but nothing had been done.

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“First, the management should declare a state of emergency on the employment of doctors in the hospital. There should be an urgent approval for the recruitment of medical officers, resident doctors and house officers in the hospital,” the statement reads.

“This recruitment should be focused especially at the Accident and Emergency Department, Surgery Department, Internal Medicine Department, Paediatrics Department, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Departments.”

“Secondly, management should ensure the implementation of safety policies to protect her workers against physical attacks and kidnap within one week as promised by the chief medical director (CMD).

“Thirdly, the immediate implementation of the 2023 Medical Residency Training Fund (MRTF) as our counterpart in other states; even as attached to this communique is the list of the eligible doctors and the financial implications.”

The resident doctors said the 14-day ultimatum would terminate on December 1, and if the above demands are not met, industrial harmony cannot be guaranteed.

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