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Atiku charges opposition parties to forge a common front against APC

Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar on Tuesday charged the opposition parties to unite and form a formidable front to protect the country’s democracy.

Atiku, according to a statement issued by his media aide, Paul Ibe, made the call when he hosted the national executive committee of the Inter-Party Advisory Council Nigeria (IPAC) led by its President, Mr. Yabagi Sani, in Abuja.

He said: “You have come here today to say that we should cooperate in order to promote democracy.

“But the truth of the matter is that our democracy is fast becoming a one-party system; and, of course, you know that when we have a one-party system, we should just forget about democracy.

READ ALSO: APC to Atiku: Accept defeat in presidential election as statesman

“We have all seen how the All Progressives Congress (APC) is increasingly turning Nigeria into a dictatorship of one party. If we don’t come together to challenge what the ruling party is trying to create, our democracy will suffer for it, and the consequences of it will affect the generations yet unborn.”

In his remark, the IPAC president noted that democracy remains the best form of government despite the glaring shortcomings associated with Nigeria’s elections.

He assured that the council would be available at any time that Atiku needed its support as a group.

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