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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

EID-EL-KABIR: Nigerian Amputee Football President Celebrates Eid-El-Kabir, Reflects on World Cup Success

Paul Maduakor, President of the Nigerian Amputee Football Federation

Chief Paul Maduakor, President of the Nigerian Amputee Football Federation, has extended his warm wishes to Muslims and all Nigerians during the Eid-El-Kabir celebrations.

In his message, he emphasized the importance of the festival’s lessons of sacrifice and unity, drawing parallels with the dedication shown by the Nigerian amputee football team.

“It’s another great opportunity to celebrate, and I urge everyone to learn from the lessons,” Maduakor said. He expressed gratitude for the immense support and sacrifices that have propelled the Nigerian amputee football team to secure a ticket to the World Cup in Egypt.

“Our team traveled to Egypt with high hopes and got a ticket to the World Cup. Although our goal was to win the tournament, we recognized the need to continue developing.

The ticket is a significant achievement and we have started working to improve,” said Maduakor, highlighting the team’s journey and continuous efforts to strengthen its performance.

Looking ahead, Maduakor turned her attention to the women’s amputee soccer team, which is preparing for its World Cup campaign in Colombia. “Now all our eyes are on the women’s team that will go to the World Cup. “This is a season to celebrate each other as a country and embrace the lessons of Eid-El-Kabir.”

He concluded by encouraging Nigerians to celebrate this festive season with unity and continue to support their athletes as they represent the nation on the world stage.

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