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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ex-councillor, policemen killed as suspected armed robbers raid three banks in Benue

Suspected armed robbers on Friday raided three banks in the Otukpo local government area of Benue State and killed seven people.

The hoodlums reportedly drove into the town at about 4:00 p.m. and forced their way into the banks with dynamites.

The affected banks were the United Bank for Africa (UBA), Zenith Bank, and First Bank Plc in the area.

The armed robbers also went away with several millions of naira in the operation that lasted one hour.

Eyewitnesses told journalists some policemen and a former councillor in the area were among the victims of the armed robbery attack.

The spokesperson for the Benue State police command, Catherine Anene, confirmed the incident.

She, however, said the details of the incident were still unavailable.

“We are still waiting for the report from the DPO or any of the officers in Otukpo. But I can confirm there was a robbery incident in the area,” the spokesperson added.

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