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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Families of ex-servicemen to receive N18bn benefits as Tinubu approves assurance policy

President Bola Tinubu has authorised N18 billion in benefits for families of slain Nigerian military personnel, including Group Life Assurance and other pensions.

Tinubu announced this decision at the Launch of the Emblem Appeal for the 2024 Armed Forces Remembrance Day at the Council Chamber of the State House, Abuja, on Wednesday.

He said, “I have approved the sum of N18bn for the payment of the Group Life Assurance benefits and other entitlements to the families of service members who lost their lives in line of duty.”

The President said this was in appreciation of the sacrifices of the men and women of the armed forces and to underscore the government’s commitment to their welfare.

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He affirmed his administration’s continuing support to the armed forces by repositioning the institutions for better service, saying, “We owe a debt of gratitude to our gallant troops, who have risen to the challenge of securing this great nation.”

President Tinubu also called on businesses in the country to key into the patriotic spirit by supporting them in various ways, including giving them preferential treatments.

“I wish to assure Nigerians that my administration will continue to reposition and strengthen all Nigerian security agencies. It’s a commitment that we must take seriously. Our foremost objective is to provide a conducive environment, free from threats and criminalities, to enable all who reside within our borders to thrive and live in peace.

“For this reason, we owe a debt of gratitude to our gallant troops, who have risen to the challenge of securing this great nation. In appreciation of the sacrifices of the men and women of our armed forces, and to underscore this government’s commitment to their welfare, I have approved the sum of N18 billion for the payment of the Group Life Assurance benefits and other entitlements to the families of service members who lost their lives in the line of duty,” he said.

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