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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Finally, EFCC produces sacked CBN gov, Emefiele, in court

After a long forth and back, the sacked Governor of the Central bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele has finally been produced in court by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

The EFCC produced Emefiele before a High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

Ripples Nigeria reports that Justice Olukayode Adeniyi, had in a ruling on November 2, ordered the anti-graft agency to either release Emefiele, who has been in detention since June 9, unconditionally, or produce him in court to be granted bail.

However, the agency failed to comply with the order when the matter came up for hearing last Monday.

At the last sitting, Emefiele’s lawyer, Mr. Mathew Burkaa (SAN), had complained to the court that EFCC flouted both orders, lamenting that the agency spurned the directive of the court, even though it was promptly served with the order.

“My lord, they have flouted both orders and today marks the 149th day of the Applicant being in custody.

“The Applicant is still in custody of the 3rd and 4th Respondents, up till this moment that we speak,” he lamented.

Responding, the EFCC, through its lawyer, Mr. Farouk Abdallah, confirmed that it received the court order, insisting that contrary to the claim of the Applicant’s counsel, Emefiele has not been in its custody for over 100 days.

“My lord, I do confirm that we received the order. It is however not correct that the Applicant has been in custody of the 3rd and 4th Respondents for over 100 days.

“He has only been in our custody for only 7 days.

“We got the processes that were filed before this court and we intend to react to them so as to set the record straight.

READ ALSO:Again, court orders EFCC to produce Emefiele on November 8

“Unfortunately, we were unable to do so because the processes that were received by the 3rd and 4th Respondents were incomplete.

“We are not insinuating that it was deliberate. It may be inadvertent on the part of the counsel for the Applicant.

“Certain exhibits they referred to, particularly exhibit E, were not attached,” the EFCC lawyer added.

Justice Adeniyi, who was not satisfied with the response, asked the EFCC lawyer to explain to the court, if the absence of the exhibit was sufficient reason for the Commission to disobey an order of the court.

“I made an order and it was very clear. Are you telling the court that because an affidavit was not attached, that was why you refused to comply with orders I made on November 2,” Justice Adeniyi queried.

Responding, Mr. Abdullah said the anti-graft agency misunderstood the court order.

“My lord, we thought that the order was that we should either release him unconditionally or bring him to the court today so that the bail application will be heard”.

It will be recalled that Emefiele was arrested by the Department of State Services (DSS) shortly after his suspension by President Bola Tinubu in June 2023. He has remained in detention since then. First with the DSS before he was handed over to the EFCC.

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