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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Football matches in Greece to be played without fans for two months

For the next two months, Greece’s top division football matches will take place behind closed doors, the Greek government has said.

This is in an attempt to reduce violence at sporting events within the country.

The decision follows violent altercations that occurred during last week’s volleyball match between Olympiakos and Panathinaikos that left a police officer gravely injured.

Both sides are owned by the football teams of the same name, and the measure will be in place until 12 February 2024.

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According to government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis, it might also apply to other home games in Europe and might be expanded if measures like installing cameras and electronic identification systems for spectators at stadiums are not done.

“For years, criminals in the guise of fans have been committing serious crimes by critically injuring and killing [people],” he added.

“Neither athletes nor fans should suffer from the murderous behaviour of criminal gangs.”

Greek football has suffered greatly in recent years due to hooliganism, and following another deadly stabbing last year, the government raised the maximum punishment for crimes involving fan violence from six months to five years.

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