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Monday, July 1, 2024

Gov Alia appoints chairman for local govt service commission, others in Benue

The Benue State Governor, Hyacinth Aliam has approved the appointment of Mr. James Ivever as Chairman of the State Local Government Service Commission (LGSC).

The governor’s Chief Press Secretary, Sir Tersoo Kulain, who confirmed this in a statement on Wednesday in Makurdi, said his principal also appointed Mr. Humbe Mkena, Nicholas Gyegwe, Sule Ujah, and Mrs. Scholastica Lyam as commissioners in the LGSC.

Alia approved the appointments of three additional Principal Special Assistants (PSAs) on Community Relations.

READ ALSO: Gov Alia calls for more military personnel to tackle insecurity in Benue

Those appointed are – Mr. Stephen Otitolaiye – Principal Special Assistant (PSA) Community Liaison (Yoruba), Mr. Moses Iwuchukwu – Principal Special Assistant (PSA) Community Liaison (Igbo), and Mr. Baba Sallau Mohammed – Principal Special Assistant (PSA) Community Liaison (Hausa).

The statement read: “The Governor believes the new appointees are qualified and capable of carrying out their duties effectively, considering their qualifications and past achievements.

“He charges the new appointees to be loyal to the administration and prioritise the interest of the state in all their actions and decisions.”

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