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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gov. Buni’s pace-setting 2,670 youth employment – Blueprint Newspapers Limited

It was amazing and congested day in Damaturu, the capital of Yobe state. Many youth (mostly couples) were agog to visit many joints for wining and dining. Almost all the ‘suya’ spots, roasted chicken joints, roasted fish centers and kebab spots were empty. Astonishingly, there was a lengthy queue in Shawarma and Shakha joints.

The roads were recording several motorists as if the subsidy on fuel was not removed; unlike previously when the places were quiet. And it is observed that people were still trooping to go to Bayan Tasha for shopping despite the notice of the ongoing demolition in preparation for the world-class multi billion naira Damaturu City Mall by Governor Mai Mala Buni administration.

I asked, why the change? The narrative has been changed as people were joyous because the 2,670 youth employed last month by the Buni administration have started receiving salaries.

Let me begin by commending Governor Buni of Yobe state for employing 2,760 youth which comprises of 10 people from each political ward across the state.

I must say that this is the first time in the history of Nigeria this has happened. I must also confess that there is no single individual from my ward (Ruhu) with a degree, NCE or diploma that is jobless because they were all employed during the recruitment. I have to also add that wards like Kushimaga in Gulani local government area were also all employed during the exercise. Yes! This is the first time the children of the poor got the opportunity to be recruited.

Indeed, the best quality of a politician is honesty, God-fearing and loving. A faithful and effective politician is trustworthy and reliable. He must capture the essence of truth, display sincerity, candour and practice what he preaches. He makes decisions and accepts responsibility for his actions and inactions. The same is true in his dealing with his people. He makes promises and keeps those promises; Somebody that people can rely on.

He should love people with all his heart, might, mind, soul and striving to help them as a true mark of responsible leader and, of course, the Governor Buni is not lacking in these qualities. And that is why I’m not surprised as he was severally conferred with the awards of”National Politician” of the year as well as Limamin Sulhu. Indeed he earned these through his generousity and justice. We cannot deny the fact that since he assumed office he has silenced his critics.

Believe me, if people like Governor Buni are given an opportunity to serve as Nigeria’s president, he will definitely address and manage the lingering Boko Haram insurgency, banditry, rampant kidnappings, ethno-religious crises and create employment opportunities, youth empowerment, tackle corruption and many more in the country as people of Yobe state witnessed since he became governor. The fake politicians whom I consider as money mongers will after taking the oath of office with the Holy books, use their power as an end in itself, rather than for the public good, making them indifferent to the progress of their citizens after making fake promises to their electorate.

It’s obvious that Buni Alkhairi ne.

Abdulmumin Kolo Gulani,
Damaturu, Yobe state

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