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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hamas releases two Russian hostages

The Palestinian militant group, Hamas, has released two female hostages from Russia.

The group’s senior official, Mousa Abu Marzouk, told a radio station in the Gaza Strip that the release was outside the deal with Israel and made as a gesture to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The women are to be released on Wednesday in addition to 10 Israeli hostages.

The Israeli hostages are to be handed over in return for the release of another 30 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

Hamas had already released a 25-year-old Israeli-Russian dual citizen on Sunday as a gesture to Putin and for nothing in return.

READ ALSO: Elon Musk visits Israel, backs war against Hamas

After his release, the young man said that he had initially escaped after an explosion in the building where he was being held and had wandered around the Gaza Strip for several days.

However, civilians then captured him and returned him to Hamas.

So far, Hamas has released 81 Israelis and foreigners in exchange for 180 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.

Israel revealed that more than 150 hostages are still being held in the Gaza Strip, including a 10-month-old baby.

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