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Independence: Stabilise economy, address insecurity, CAN urges FG

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has urged the federal government to take urgent steps to address the critical challenges confronting the country.

CAN enjoined the government to stabilise the Nigerian economy, saying the recent fall of the naira against major world currencies, particularly the dollar, has thrown the citizens into abject poverty.

The association said this in a statement issued by its president, Archbishop Daniel Okoh, to mark Nigeria’s 63rd independence anniversary on Sunday, October 1, 2023.

Okoye stated: “We urge the government to prioritize addressing the pressing economic challenges and the escalating state of insecurity in our beloved country.

“CAN acknowledges the need for urgent measures to stabilize the Nigerian economy. The recent fall of the Naira against major world currencies, particularly the dollar, has had a profound impact on the lives of ordinary Nigerians.

“We call on the government to implement sustainable economic policies that will bolster our local currency, stimulate investment, and revitalize key sectors. By fostering an enabling environment for entrepreneurship and providing necessary support to small and medium-sized enterprises, we can create jobs and alleviate poverty, ultimately improving the quality of life for all citizens.”

The CAN President also urged the federal government to intensify efforts in combating the security challenges bewildering Nigeria, saying escalating state of insecurity, especially in the South-East region of the country needs immediate attention.

He added: “CAN implores the government to intensify efforts in combating terrorism, banditry, and all forms of criminal activities. Adequate resources should be allocated to our security agencies, while collaboration with local communities and intelligence gathering must be strengthened. Restoring peace and security is vital not only for the affected regions but for the entire nation, as it will enable people to return to their farms, fostering food security and sustainable development.

“Furthermore, we emphasize the need for unity and national cohesion. Nigeria’s strength lies in its diversity, and we must harness this diversity for the common good of all citizens. Together, we can build bridges of understanding and foster an environment where all citizens feel valued and protected.

“CAN also encourages the government to prioritize education and healthcare. Quality education and accessible healthcare are fundamental rights that must be guaranteed to every Nigerian. By investing in these critical sectors, we empower our youth with knowledge and skills and ensure the well-being of our citizens, particularly the vulnerable.

“CAN is aware of the ongoing negotiations between the Federal Government and labour unions regarding the removal of fuel subsidies. We urge both parties to find a balanced solution that minimizes the impact on vulnerable Nigerians. The removal of subsidies is a significant economic adjustment with far-reaching consequences. We understand the government’s reasons but acknowledge the resulting distress and hardship.

“As we celebrate Nigeria’s 63rd Independence Anniversary, let us not forget the challenges that confront us. CAN remains committed to promoting initiatives towards a prosperous and peaceful Nigeria. By doing so, we can achieve sustainable development, foster peace, and create a nation where every Nigerian can thrive.”

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