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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Israeli Army reveals dozens of terrorists killed in Gaza

Israeli soldiers, on Saturday, killed Hamas militants, discovered subterranean shafts “used for terrorist purposes,” and discovered Hamas-made weapons, according to a statement.

The IDF made this disclosure on Saturday, saying “Over the past day, there were numerous attempted attacks on IDF troops from tunnel shafts and military compounds in the northern Gaza Strip.”

Israel’s army also said its troops have killed “dozens of terrorists” as its ground operation in the Gaza Strip continued overnight.

Israeli tanks also destroyed “three Hamas observation posts” in northern Gaza, while several Hamas militants were killed in battles with 15 fighters.

READ ALSO:UN agency loses contact with staff in Gaza

Meanwhile, in southern Gaza, the IDF conducted a targeted raid overnight “to map out buildings and neutralise explosive devices.

“During the operation, the troops encountered a terrorist cell exiting a tunnel shaft.

“In response, the troops fired shells toward the terrorists and killed them.”

Israel declared its plans to wipe out Palestinian extremist organisation Hamas after its militants went on a brutal rampage through Israeli towns bordering Gaza, killing 1,400 people and taking 249 others hostage on October 7.

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