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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Macron praises French ambassador for staying in Niger despite pressure from junta

The French President, Emmanuel Macron, on Monday praised the country’s ambassador to Niger for staying in the West African country despite pressure from the military junta to leave.

The junta which seized power from President Mohammed Basoum last month had on August 25 ordered French ambassador Sylvain Itte to leave the country within 48 hours after he snubbed an invitation to a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs.

In a speech to diplomats in Paris, Macron also reiterated France’s support for Bazoum, whose decision not to resign from his seat, he described as courageous.

He said: “I think our policy is the right one. It’s based on the courage of President Bazoum, and on the commitments of our ambassador on the ground who is remaining in spite of all the pressure.

READ ALSO: Macron demands restoration of democratic order in Niger

“In spite of all the declarations made by the illegitimate authorities.”

The French President also dismissed calls from some in the United States and Europe for Western powers to give up on Bazoum.

“We do not recognise those who have carried out the putsch, we support a president who has not stepped down, and besides whom we remain engaged,” he added.

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