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Friday, June 28, 2024

NNL Super 8: Coach Olumide Ajibola on Beyond Limits NPFL promotion

Coach Olumide Ajibola of Beyond Limits FC shared insights on his remarkable journey to the Nigerian Professional Football League (NPFL) in a post-match interview with Sports 247.

Reflecting on their achievements, Ajibola highlighted the team’s steady progress from the Under-17 level through various leagues, culminating in their recent promotion.

Also read: NNL Super 8: “We are all winners” – Beyond Limits victory Iboro Sunday shares enthusiasm for NPFL promotion

Ajibola expressed pride and joy at their achievements, noting: “We are tracking the players, their attitude, their growth, their development, how they compete and whether they are using these lessons that we are giving them to become better people.” human beings and better players.”

He emphasized that his focus has always been on developing players and ensuring they have the right environment and training to thrive.

The coach’s philosophy challenges the popular belief that young players cannot compete effectively due to their age or inexperience.

Ajibola stated that with proper training and the right environment, young players can excel.

He noted that the success of Beyond Limits serves as a testament to this belief, proving that young talent, when cultivated correctly, can achieve great things in Nigerian football.

Ajibola’s approach also highlights the importance of investing in coach training and creating environments conducive to learning and competition.

He said: “Any team that has ambition should try to put the right pieces in place and make sure they invest in coaching training. It’s essential”.

This commitment to continuous improvement and education has been the cornerstone of Beyond Limits’ strategy.

On the team’s name, “Beyond Limits”, Ajibola explained that it reflects their spirit of pushing boundaries and overcoming limitations.

“The name speaks for itself. It is beyond the limits and every day in life, not only in football, but in life, you face limitations… can you overcome your limits?”

This mindset has driven the team to consistently exceed expectations and achieve success at all levels.

Coach Olumide Ajibola’s insights provide a comprehensive view of the dedication and strategic planning behind Beyond the limits‘ promotion to the NPFL, marking a major milestone in Nigerian football.

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