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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Police bans protests in Benue

The Benue State police command has banned all forms of protest in the state.

The command’s spokesperson, Sewuese Anene, disclosed this in a statement on Sunday in Makurdi.

She said the decision followed the discovery of a planned protest by a group of persons in the state.

The protest, according to Anene, was aimed at sabotaging the efforts of the security agencies in the state.

She urged groups and individuals planning protests to refrain from such actions as the environment was not conducive for such at the moment.

READ ALSO: Police in Benue confirms arrest of four bank robbery suspects

Dare-devil armed robbers on Friday attacked five banks in the Otukpo local area of the state and killed 10 persons, including a Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and three other police officers.

The statement read: “Area Commanders and Divisional Police Officers (DPOs) have been directed to tighten up security in their areas of responsibility and resist any efforts of protesters to encourage any breach of peace.

“Stakeholders including traditional rulers, religious leaders, youth leaders and parents are advised to warn their children/wards to desist from any form of protest at this sensitive time.”

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