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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sokoto Assembly approves Gov. Aliyu’s proposal to establish community guards

The Sokoto State House of Assembly has approved a proposal by Governor Ahmed Aliyu to establish a Community Guards Corps in the state in a bid to tackle insecurity and banditry.

The House during its plenary on Wednesday, approved the proposal following the consideration of a report by the Joint House Committees on Special Services and Security Matters, Judiciary, Justice, and Human Rights Committee.

The Committee’s Chairman, Alhaji Nasiru Adamu, who addressed journalists at the end of the sitting, said the executive bill underwent thorough scrutiny which resulted in 28 recommendations.

“These recommendations included reframing the bill’s title to ‘A bill for a law to establish the Sokoto State Community Guards Corps’, providing for the preservation of peace, safety of persons and their property, and prompt response in emergency situations,” he said.

Adamu also stated that the need for a new section regarding the service number of officers and the correction of typographical, technical, and drafting errors by the Legal Services Department, was also considered and approved.

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