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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Troops kill suspected bandit, recover AK 47 rifle in Kaduna

Troops of 1 Division, Nigerian Army, have killed a suspected bandit and recovered one AK 47 rifle in Kaduna State.

The Acting Deputy Director of Army Public Relations for the Division, Lt-Col. Musa Yahaya, confirmed the development in a statement on Wednesday in Kaduna.

He said the troops acting on credible intelligence laid ambush on a bandits’ route along the Kwant-Kabai-Kubusu road on Wednesday.

READ ALSO: Troops kill seven suspected bandits in Kaduna

Yakubu said: “In the operation and the firefight that ensued, one bandit was neutralized while others fled with gunshot wounds.

“One AK 47 rifle, one magazine, veterinary medicine, and clothing were recovered.”

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