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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Lawyer accuses Simon Ekpa of using IPOB leader, Kanu’s, health status to defraud Igbos

Ifeanyi Ejiofor, the lead counsel to incarcerated leader of proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, has accused self-styled Prime Minister of Biafra Republic Government in Exile, (BRGIE), Simon Ekpa, of using Kanu’s health condition to defraud Igbo people, especially those in the diaspora.

Ejiofor who was reacting to an alarm raised by the Finland-based factional leader of breakaway agitation group, Biafra Auto-Pilot that Kanu may die soon due to his ill health, described Ekpa as a serial fraudster who was only using Kanu to his personal benefit.

Read also: Kanu’s lawyer accuses Simon Ekpa of working for Nigerian govt

Ejiofor added that Ekpa was not in the position to speak on Kanu’s health condition since he was neither his doctor nor had he seen the IPOB leader for him to draw the conclusion.

“This serial fraudster- Simon Ekpa, is not in any position to speak on the medical health condition of Onyendu Mazi Nnamdi Kanu,” Ejiofor said in a post on Twitter on Sunday.

“In a bid to play on the emotions of Biafrans and exploit the genuine love they have for #MNK, the crime personified in Finland, quickly resorted to the use of the revered name of #MNK in his latest failed scheme, to keep his remaining gullible followers busy.

“Unfortunately, some people who ought to have learned much about this conman, are busy running with the false story which is a product of the evil imagination of a sick and depraved mind.

“The serial fraudster in Finland is a crime against humanity and a weapon fashioned against the entire Igbo race, and should be treated as such,” he wrote.

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