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Monday, July 1, 2024

Gov Alia calls for more military personnel to tackle insecurity in Benue

The Benue State Governor, Hyacinth Alia, has appealed to the Nigerian Army to send more soldiers to the state in order to tackle the continuous killing of farmers by suspected armed herdsmen.

Alia made the appeal on Tuesday during a courtesy visit to the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, at the Army Headquarters, Abuja.

The governor also called for the establishment of a battalion at Ugbema and seven forward operating bases in Guma, Logo, Ukum, and Kwande Local Government Areas to enhance response.

He said: “We appreciate the efforts of the Nigerian Army in keeping peace in the Benue Valley. Benue is an agrarian state and farming is our main occupation. However, the most fertile parts of the Benue Valley within the state are staying inaccessible to farmers due to the threats of bandits and violence from armed herders.

“Now that is it, two to five or more people are killed every week as a result of violence from these gangs and groups, which in a few number of cases the media do not capture, the 401 Special Force Brigade are trying their best but their deployment remains on the main roads number of times while killings continue to take place in the hinterland.

READ ALSO: I inherited 2,124,000 IDPs, dysfunctional civil service, Benue Gov, Alia says

“My prayer to you is for forward operating bases to be established in Anyiin in Logo Local Government Area, Zaki-Biam in Ukum Local Government Area, Udei and Gbajimba in Guma Local Government Area, Naka in Gwer West Local Government Area, Pontar in Konshisha Local Government Area and Adikpo in Kwande Local Government Area.

“In the immediate term, while hoping that a full-fledged battalion can be established at Ugbema in the midterm, our second prayer is for the 401 Special Force Brigade and Operation Whilr Stroke to be provided with additional manpower/patrol vehicles to improve their reach.

“As a government, we are willing to provide you some shelters for the forward operating bases and some logistics.

“We hope that although you may be stretched, you’ve made Benue quite special because of our uniqueness in crisis-ridden effects and attacks we’ve been receiving.

“The discovery of solid minerals in those areas and local governments is likely to exacerbate the security situation in those areas. It is therefore important that proactive steps be taken by establishing an infantry battalion to cover the general area.”

Gen. Lagbaja promised to review review security situation and restore peace in the state.

“The Nigerian Army currently has over 100 forward operating bases and cannot afford to establish more without budgetary allocations. I urge the governor to provide infrastructure to enable the movement of troops and logistics to support our operations,” he said.

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