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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TechHer trains over 300 university students in Enugu with Digital Safety and Social Media Advocacy Skills

To equip university students with the skills and knowledge necessary to utilise social media platforms for advocacy and engage responsibly in the digital sphere, the Signpost Team successfully conducted a comprehensive digital safety and social media advocacy training program for over 300 students. These training sessions were held at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and Coal City University, Emene, to strengthen the capacity of young people to navigate digital spaces safely.

The Signpost Project’s primary objective is to address the low participation of women and youth in elections and promote engagement in the 2023 elections and civic matters by highlighting the needs and aspirations of young women in the state. The MacArthur Foundation supports this initiative through the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID).

TechHer, an organisation leveraging technology for social impact, conducted these trainings at both public and private universities to ensure inclusion in its propagation of digital safety and online advocacy education. Participants gained insights into recognising and mitigating potential risks associated with online activities, such as harassment, cyberbullying, and social engineering.

Dr Omeje, Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, expressed his excitement for the training’s impact, stating, “We firmly believe that by equipping our students with these digital safety and social media advocacy skills, we are preparing them to become responsible and influential voices in a digital world. They must comprehend both the opportunities and challenges that accompany active participation in social media.”

In her closing remarks, Project Coordinator Achenyo Ochijenu emphasised the importance of utilising all digital platforms to passionately advocate for the Enugu of their dreams while ensuring their online safety.

“Over the years, we have witnessed the transformation of the lives of ordinary Nigerians through the power of social media, impacting individuals from politics to entertainment. Therefore, we must extend this transformative potential to Enugu and Nigeria, shaping the future we aspire to see.”

She emphasised that by arming the next generation of leaders with these digital skills, TechHer is actively contributing to forming responsible and informed digital citizens capable of leveraging social media to effect positive societal change.

The success of this training underscores TechHer’s unwavering commitment to nurturing digital literacy and digital safety among the youth. With a brighter, safer, and more enlightened online future on the horizon, the students of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, and Coal City University are poised to make a meaningful difference in their communities and beyond.

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