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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hamas releases 24 hostages in Qatar-brokered deal

The Palestinian militant group, Hamas, has released 24 hostages to the Red Cross in Gaza.

The Qatari foreign ministry spokesman, Majed Al Ansari, confirmed the development on X platform, formerly Twitter.

The hostages handed over to the Red Cross by the group comprised 13 Israelis, 10 Thais and one Filipino in a deal brokered by Qatar.

The Gulf State worked with the United States and Egypt to reach an agreement between Hamas and Israel for the release of 50 civilian hostages from Gaza in return for the release of Palestinian prisoners.

READ ALSO: Israel-Hamas War: Envoy calls for urgent ceasefire, says more than 8,700 dead in Gaza

At least about 15,000 people have been killed since Hamas gunmen carried out the deadliest attack in Israel’s history through Gaza on October 7 with the Jewish state carrying out a relentless bombing campaign and ground offensive on Gaza

Al Ansari wrote: “Those released include 13 Israeli citizens, some of whom are dual citizens, in addition to 10 Thai citizens and a Filipino citizen.”

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