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Nigeria Pillar Of Sports Celebrates D’Tigress, Charges Super Falcons To Go For Victory Against England …Wants More Support For Female Athletes

Nigeria Pillar Of Sports, High Chief Donatus Agu-Ejidike, JP, has congratulated the Nigeria senior women’s national basketball team, D’Tigress for winning a 4th record-equalling Afrobasket championship, Saturday in Kigali, Rwanda.

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The team led by Rena Wakama defeated arch-rivals Senegal 84-74 in the final to make it six continental titles and the fourth in a roll.

In the congratulatory message released by the National Office Of Nigeria Pillar Of Sports, it stated that the victory of D’Tigress at the continental championship, further attest to the globally recognised prowess and resourcefulness of the average Nigerian.

“We are proud of you and your achievements on the African continent. Your feats in Kigali, Rwanda, is an attestation to your greatness and capabilities to rule your world.”

“We say thank you to Engr. Musa Kida and his NBBF board for their unrelenting efforts to continue the growth of the game in Nigeria. We must also commend the FMY&SD for making it possible for the team to attend the championship, and of course, continue their domination of the game on the continent.”

In the same vein, the businessman cum philanthropist charged the senior women’s national team, the Super Falcons, to go for victory in their rounds of 16 clash against England tomorrow.

“The victory of D’Tigress should serve as an elixir for you to win your game against England. We urge you to go out there and make Nigerians proud again,” he stated.

“Nigerians have trust in your abilities to deliver. Therefore, we are solidly behind you to beat England and move ahead in your quest to conquer the world like your sisters, the D’Tigress did,” it added.

He went ahead to admonish well placed individuals and corporate organisations to continue to support the government on the empowerment of the Girl-Child.

“It is a fact that government cannot do it alone. It is therefore, very important for well placed individuals and corporate organisations to support the government. The much-bandied love for the Girl-Child should be practical and evident. There is the need to continue the empowerment of the Girl-Child through sports,” it added conclusively.

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