#ogasabinus Enjoy and please don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE after watching and also turn on your POST NOTIFICATION to stay updated with more videos coming your way.
#mrfunny #mumuskits #mumuman
#ogasabinus Enjoy and please don’t forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE after watching and also turn on your POST NOTIFICATION to stay updated with more videos coming your way.
#mrfunny #mumuskits #mumuman
You are a great man Mr sabinus. Your concepts are great and I appreciate your creativity. Thanks for always making me laugh..
Sabinus can over do and can talk too much why did his see another vision😂😂
Ghana 🤣 🇬🇭 🤣🤣🤣🤣
sabinus was trying to advertise for the company , so using false prophecy was out of contest and the CEO also saying, is dat how u go around deceiving pple makes the advert incompetent… cos using the words, sabinus going around deceiving pple automatically makes the whole advert a deceit . Cos he is also deceiving as about ur equipments..
Hi "invester Sabinus"
Iam From 🇮🇳 INDIA
Watching all your Uploaded comedy Videos
What a Talented person Sir Best comedian and i Watching all comedy series but you separate Man…face reaction crying funny🤣
More than upload so much funny video God bless You⚘️⚘️⚘️
My guy Don forgot to ask how is the family😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love oga sabinus
Speak to me Daddy 😅😅😅😅😅😅
This man!
😅😂😂 If you're laughing about "Ntinke Ntinke Tum, hit that like button.
Just imagine the level of mumu in you🤣🤣🤣
Nice work
How family na
i like the" tin ke tinnke tum suond"
Too much excitement 😂😂😂😂💔💔💔 next time u go humble
…tinke tinke 🙂
This guy is the best ❤❤
As soon as sabinus said he has seen something…..there I knew my man is going to mess up.
chai sabinus 😅🤣
Sabinis has come again 😂 much love from Cameroon ❤️ BGBB
Sabinus is under a spell of bad luck🤣🤣
Are you can’t watch Slowdog music named (NKWO) I need the drum! Emma drummr is playing
Can I get the contact, so that I will show you the sample of what I want to buy
Nice one